Sunday, February 05, 2006
Friends from Korea
Seven friends came from Korea and stayed with us from 14th to 26th, Feb. Although some burning hot days made us a bit difficult to relax we had lots of fun. Jamie loved the friends' company. She would crawl to their room first thing in the morning. This photo captured one of those mornings (clockwise from left end: Jamie, Soyoung, Jaehi, Jaehong, and Sohi). Since the friends left, Jamie shows what she's learnted from them. The other morning, she called her mum and said, 'Hi, mum!' [um-ma, an-nyeong]. Jamie now greets to everyone who enters or leaves the house saying [an-nyeong]! (Korean [an-nyeong] is equivalent to both 'hi' and 'bye'). Today Jamie's 13 months old.
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That was from jahee.
This photo reminds me the days we stayed at your house. Three girls and a naughty boy made your peaceful house into a turmoil...
I'm still worried about the matris Jahong messed...Please send my soory to the kind lender.
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That was from jahee.
This photo reminds me the days we stayed at your house. Three girls and a naughty boy made your peaceful house into a turmoil...
I'm still worried about the matris Jahong messed...Please send my soory to the kind lender.
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