Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Just a photo
One day

Jamie entered the room wearing her hat while her mum's attention was on something else. Because Jamie always, without any exception, had refused to put on a hat, mum was surprised to see that she put it on herself. Mum's clothes were all out and the room became quite messy within a few minutes after taking this photo.

We've had a wonderful time during the Common Wealth Games Festival. Melbourne turned into a city of performances, arts, and exhibitions. Jamie enjoyed the events as much as mum and dad did. She danced to music, sang along (in her own tune), and observed, and fell asleep in her little stroller at the usual bed time.
Mum especially liked this high pole dance (Performed by Strange Fruit from Melbourne)seen behind Jamie.
Monday, April 17, 2006

Jamie has grown so much that she sometimes enjoys writing (i.e., making marks). This photo captured the moment when she was engaged in writing a birthday card for Christian, Happy Reid's son. Jamie now speaks two or three word sentences like 'give me milk, please' (this is a two word sentence in Korean: [uyu juseyo]) and it is truely amasing to communicate with this 16+ month old person with little difficulty.