Mum had a day off today...she's got a cold/flu. Mum slept almost the whole day, and Jamie also fell asleep to go on for more than 2 hours. Then in the late afternoon, Jamie drew and painted to produce this showing on the left(butterflies, a house, Flowers in pots, green grass, mum, dad, and Jamie).

Last weekend, Jamie, mum and dad, Damon, Blythe, and Harrison went to Donna Buang Mountain to see snow. We were all excited and played with snow. That is, to begin with. Then all of a sudden, a heavy hail came down which later turned into more friendly snow fall. Mum, Dad, Damon, and Blythe were thrilled. Jamie liked the snow but not the hail. That was Jamie's first encounter with real snow: excitment and a bit of a shock. (Note:Jamie and cousin Esther in the first photo)