Saturday, March 12, 2011
We've been busy!
An excuse, yes, we've been busy...but remember you are not forgotten. Mum's been working in a city council for about 6 months, full time. Jamie and Namu are the busiest as they have to wake up super-early every day to go to school and childcare and come back home at 6:30!! We will have some photos for you soon.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Jamie's brother Namu's FIRST birthday
Love to you all, families and friends.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Jeon-Ellis family back to Melbourne!!
한국에 있는 가족들을 위해 한국어로도 좀 써야...전-엘리스 가족 2주 남짓한 한국 여행에서 돌아오다! 나무와 재임이가 얼마나 알차게 재미있는 시간을 보냈는지 잘 보여주는 사진들을 엄마가 엄선 하였음. 메모를 남겨주시면 엄마가 기뻐서 얼른 답장을 줄 것임.
전-엘리스 가족
(프란시스, 그모, 재이미, 그리고 나무)
아참, 나무가 말을 하기 시작했음: '어제까지는 가가가, 오늘은 바바바, 유아원 선생님의 말로는 헬로우 나무하니까 따라서 '헤' 했다고 함. 엄마가 제일 신기하게 생각하는 건, 주거니 받거니 대화가 가능 하다는 것, 나무가 엄마의 요청에 의해 말을 한다는 것. 물론 소리는 가가와 바바가 전부이지만 지금으로서 나무에게는 완벽한 언어임. 재임이도 아주 놀라고 있음.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
School girl goes to Korea
How many months have passed since the last update, oh...mum's feeling so sorry that her fingers are not typing properly right at the moment. Our routine has changed greatly since the beginning of this year. The biggest news is that Jamie became a school girl!! Always keen to learn, explore, ask, talk, talk, and talk....! She's settled very well, remembers so many names and faces, always busy saying hello to those she comes across in and outside the school. Oh yes, our Namu's now 10 months old. Loving and social, eating and drinking lots, super cute, has grown to be a BIG boy. When mum says 'BIG', it means really big.
Love to you all.
NOTE: Oh ya, we are flying to Korea in a couple of days!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Namu, six months' old
Merry Christmas!
So many photos to upload
Right now, Namu's in mum's arms, so she can't talk to you much but plans to upload more of Namu and Jamie's photos soon.
It's Christmas season. Love to you all, Happy Christmas!!
(note: The person on the first top is the director of the kinder, who led the concert on the night. Delighted with the performance)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Jamie's 5th birthday celebrated early
Asked how old, Jamie will answer, 'Nearly five'. Yes, Jamie is going to be five on this coming Christmas day and we've celebrated the day in well advance on the 14th of Nov. in case we forget!! Jamie's grown to be a kind and considerate girl who's eager to learn about anything and everything. Mum and dad had to work really hard to 'endure' her endless queries on anything., the world, and beyond, is here for Jamie, and she will dig everything out to expose its best clarity...just wait...
Love from Jeon-Ellis family